{{-- begin:: Header Menu --}} {{-- Uncomment this to display the close button of the panel --}}
@if(!Session::get('MENU_IZQUIERDO')) @endif
{{-- end:: Header Menu --}} {{-- begin:: Header Topbar --}}
{{--begin: Search --}} @include('partials.search') {{--end: Search --}} {{--begin: Notifications --}} @include('partials.notifications') {{--end: Notifications --}} {{--begin: Quick Actions --}} @include('partials.quickactions') {{--end: Quick Actions --}} {{--begin: My Cart --}} @include('partials.mycart') {{--end: My Cart --}} {{--begin: Quick panel toggler --}} @if(Session::get('MENU_DERECHO')) {{-- Verifico si el Usuario Tienes Menu Izquierdo --}} @include('partials.quickpanel') @endif {{--end: Quick panel toggler --}} {{--begin: Language bar --}} @include('partials.selectorlang') {{--end: Language bar --}} {{--begin: User Bar --}} @include('partials.userbar') {{--end: User Bar --}}
{{-- end:: Header Topbar --}}